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Chinese Zodiac Horoscope

2018 - The Year of Dog


1928 1940 1952 1964 1976 1988 2000 2012
Good news - your fortune will improve and remain stable this year. Lucky stars appear to accompany you throughout the year so your plans will work out well. All is peaceful at home, especially if you were born in 1928 - you'll be respected by your children and grandchildren. Young Dragons particularly these born in 1988, will achieve good academic results. The main exception are Dragons born in the year 1952 - there'll be a few ups and downs. You may be driven by emotions and be tempted to have an affair or gamble unwisely. Think long-term, and make wise choices.
You are excentric and your life is complex. You have a very passionate nature and abundant health. Better mary late in life.
There will be a lot of opportunities for development for the first half of the year - take them seriously. It will be in your best interests to cooperate with people in the same trade as you do. If you are a young Dragon born in the year 1988, your teachers will take good care of you - but try to control your temper. The help of your classmates will be invaluable - if you get it, you will really shine this year.
A much better year than last year. Wage-earners born in 1964 may get promoted. Those born in 1952 should avoid gambling and risky investments. If you were born in 1976, beware of burglaries.
Not too bad a year, in terms of health - especially if you were born in 1964. Dragons suffering from chronic illnesses can expect an unexpectedly swift recovery in their health. Youngsters should not indulge in too many wild and fun-seeking events.
Singles will find their popularity rising this year. Those born in the year 1988 will find their love lives blossoming and reaching greater heights. However, do not fall blindly in love - especially if you were born in 1964. Your relationships may get complicated, so choose your partners wisely. Born in 1976? You'll enjoy a happy family life this year.
Compatible in love
Monkey, Snake, Rooster, Pig
Not compatible in love
Compatible in business
Monkey, Snake, Rooster