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Chinese Zodiac Horoscope

2018 - The Year of Dog


1937 1949 1961 1973 1985 1997 2009 2021
It's a good thing Ox are stubborn - you'll need to overcome quite a few obstacles this year, especially if you were born in 1973. It's better to wait for the right time than to rush into things. Take good care of the family and enjoy the support they give you this year - it will help you to brave the storms. Your friends will be a pillar of strength for you in your time of stress. Look to the older generation to bring luck to you by listening to what they tell you, especially if you were born in 1937.
You are bright, patient and inspiring to others. You can be happy by yourself, yet make an outstanding parent.
Be extra careful when cutting a deal in business. Don't push too hard against other people and keep yourself away from gossip. There will be obstacles in the careers of those born in 1961, so it's best to stay where you are, as this is not a good year for moving career-wise. New friends will bring luck to those born in 1949.
Not a great year - except for those born in 1925, who will have a smooth flow of fortune. Remember not to gamble and avoid giving out loans, or you may run short of money. Ox born in 1949 should avoid moving or construction. And don't listen to rumors if you were born in 1937 - you don't need the grief they may bring!
You need to take care of yourself this year - it's not the right time to take up sky-diving or motor-racing. Beware of stomach or intestine-related problems. Pay attention to personal safety and possible injury. Younger Ox should take care of their older family members.
Single Ox may enjoy a flourishing love life (especially if you were born in 1985), but you'll have to go through some sorrows first. You should be honest and sincere in order to win your lover's heart. Married persons will not be so lucky, as you will quarrel with your partners easily. Learn to speak peace rather than justice.
Compatible in love
Rooster, Snake, Rat
Not compatible in love
Goat, Rabbit
Compatible in business