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Chinese Zodiac Horoscope

2018 - The Year of Dog


1931 1943 1955 1967 1979 1991 2003 2015
The beginning of the year is not great - but don't be discouraged. Keep going - a smooth and stable fortune lies ahead. Goats born in 1967 have the best fortune of all the goats this year - it will be a particularly happy year. Male Goats may be under a lot work and family pressure. Female Goats will enjoy a more successful year. If you're an unmarried female Goat, this is an exceptionally great year for romance - your love relationships will be sweet and affectionate.
You are elegant and creative, timid and prefer anonymity.
An increased in workload and heavy responsibilities may increase the pressure on you and make you nervous - especially if you're male. But married female Goats working overseas will have good career prospects. There will be difficulties throughout the year, but noting that hard work and perseverance cannot overcome. Be patient and success will be yours at the right time. If you are born in 1979, work hard and you can gain excellent results. For those born in 1967, there will be opportunities to work in foreign countries.
Fortune in money is fair. Avoid gambling, and don't get involved in high risk investments, particularly for those born in 1955. But if you were born in 1967, money luck is shining on you. This will be a profitable year for you.
Avoid going to places with high pollution. If you were born in 1943, beware of headaches, nasal and liver problems. Watch what you eat - food poisoning may result in more serious intestinal problems. Young Goats born in 1991 should watch out for sharp objects and water.
Married couples may find themselves easily engaged in tiffs over minor issues. There are many opportunities for single Goats to enjoy new romances. Those born in 1979 should be patient if you have not yet met a suitable partner. Everything will happen in good time.
Compatible in love
Not compatible in love
Compatible in business
Rabbit, Goat